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Create A Natural Bamboo Privacy Fence

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Moderate-sized bamboo stalks can be used to begin preparing a privacy fence. Choose a wide-open area on your land where you would like to increase privacy. Purchase and plant several bamboo stalk varieties that are resistant to the weather conditions experienced in the region you live in.

Bamboo Growth Variables

Bamboo is a grass species. A bamboo stalk (shoot) grows rather quickly. The entire stalk will grow vertically and contain nodules along its exterior. Once a bamboo stalk has reached its maturity, it will not grow any taller. Rhizomes, which are part of the underground stem system, will emerge from a series of stems. Rhizomes will eventually form their own stems and will begin to grow vertically.

Eventually, the rhizomes will grow into bamboo stalks. The new shoots will likely grow taller than the ancestral bamboo shoots. Each future generation of bamboo stalks will eventually grow taller than the former ones. As new bamboo stalks fill in parts of the privacy fence, you will begin to take note of how much coverage the bamboo stalks provide you with.

Planting Strategies

An agricultural supplier may feature many bamboo stalk varieties. You can use bamboo shoots that are already mature in height to create your privacy wall. You can also use younger bamboo shoots that have recently emerged from the soil. An agricultural supplier may sell potted bamboo varieties that will need to be transplanted from their containers to the part of your property where you are creating a homemade bamboo fence.

Upon purchasing the bamboo stalks, aerate the portion of your property where you will be transplanting the bamboo stalks. An aeration tool can be used to manually remove dirt clumps from the plot that will be used for planting purposes. Next, remove each bamboo stalk from its pot.

Dig holes that will support each bamboo stalk's root ball. Supply a moderate amount of space in between each hole that a bamboo stalk will be planted in. Because future bamboo stalks will need adequate room to grow, it is important to begin preparing the bamboo privacy fence this way.

Watering Tips

After you have planted all of the stalks, apply topsoil or compost around the base of each stalk. Deep watering sessions should be conducted in an outdoor area that receives direct sunlight. A soaker hose or an automatic irrigation system can be used to supply your bamboo stalks with an adequate amount of water each day. If the bamboo stalks are planted in a semi-shaded area, they will not need to be watered as often.

For more information on privacy bamboo plants, contact an agricultural service near you.
